Thursday, May 21, 2020

Fashion has acquired a youthful connotation, it must express an

Returning to the case of urban tribes, he and the young woman who belongs to a tribe never stop following a norm. It is limited to supporting another, different from that accepted by the majority of society. Thus, the “need for autonomy” raised by the psychologist Henry Murray will be covered, according to which the individual manifests the “need to resist influences or constraints, to challenge authority and to seek freedom, to fight for their independence ”(In Dubois and Rovira, 1998: 23). In relation to the psychology of the human being, fashion moves, therefore, between the need for autonomy and independence, on the one hand, and the need to relate to others, on the other, which allows the subject to simultaneously differentiate himself - from the others– and identify –with others– (Erner, 2005: 193).
This trend towards standardizing identification is observable in young people and, above all, in adolescents. Adolescence constitutes a period of search for identity. The way to identify yourself is to carry the group's flag and make it visible. However, to find their own identity, the adolescent needs to differentiate himself from other groups. Logically, to the same extent that the young man needs to find her identity, she also seeks to make it visible. It should not surprise, therefore, the attractiveness that fashion exerts on him, insofar as it allows him to identify with his group and differentiate himself from others. Thus, there is a need for personal expression, for which fashion –as garments are, from a marketing perspective,

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